The faculty strives to reach the necessary level to apply complete quality standards and receive local approval.
It’s allowed for a student to be exempted from attending some academic courses except those of the final batch if he proves that he has successfully passed equivalent courses in a university, college, or scientific institute accredited by the Supreme Council of Universities.
The exception will be granted by the university president based on the faculty council’s proposal after consulting with the department council or appropriate department councils.
– Preparing a graduate has the ability to apply engineering science and its methods in practical life and take the appropriate position, be conversant with modern technological methods and how to deal with them, and have the ability to compete in the labor market in the light of circumstances and new and changeable challenges for the regional and international community.
-Preparing and submitting training courses for graduates to qualify them for keeping pace with the new updates, and adapting to the needs of the labor market.
-Providing distinguished and constructive learning contributes to preparing scientists, thinkers, inventors, and innovators who are the representatives of the real progress revolution.
-Continue development for study programs and postgraduate studies programs to keep pace with scientific and technological progress, also publishing the culture of scientific research, conducting scientific and applying research and studies that are related to the society’s problems and development programs, particularly in Upper Egypt.
-Presenting consulting experiences for authorities, factories, and services sectors for serving the environment and developing the community.
-Adopting thoughts and studies that would support and improve the institutional ability especially for the human element because of his valuable roles in an integrated system to achieve creativity and raise the quality and efficiency of the learning and education process.
-Updating evaluation and correcting systems, and quality management to achieve the goals of the faculty through the organized review and continued evaluation of these programs and activities.