The Unit’s Board of Directors is the controlling authority over all of the Unit’s affairs and the management of its technical, financial, and administrative affairs that achieve its goals in light of the rules and general regulations accompanying the Law of Approving the State’s General Budget and the regulations, decisions, and periodicals controlling this, and it has the right to:
1. Approval of the unit’s strategic plan, functional organization, and internal work system, outlining the specializations and general descriptions of its personnel based on the project manager’s proposal.
2. Approval of the rules governing the awarding of rewards and incentives to the Board of Directors and unit employees by the provisions of Law No. 49 of 1972 and its executive regulations and amendments concerning teaching staff members and non-faculty workers, and the provisions of Civil Service Law No. 81 of 2019 regarding civil servants in the state and its executive regulations and amendments.
3. Approval of the rules for concluding contracts related to the unit’s dealings with others.
4. Considering the periodic reports and annual reports submitted on the unit’s achievements and following up on the progress of work and the unit’s financial position.
5. Approval to seek the assistance of experts from inside or outside the university to implement some of the unit’s activities.
6. Authorizing the unit director to perform some urgent tasks determined by the Board of Directors.
7. Proposing the acceptance of grants, gifts, and donations received by the unit and consistent with its objectives, taking into account the acceptance authorities under established legal procedures.
8. Approval of the draft annual budget and final accounts of the unit according to the applicable rules in preparation for presentation to the competent authorities.
9. Approval of the financial rules for accounting for clients from inside and outside the university per what was stated in the executive regulations of the Law Regulating Universities.
10. Approval of the selection of seasonal or paid workers and national experts, taking into account the decisions and periodicals issued in this regard by the Central Agency for Organization and Administration.
11. Approval to represent the unit in conferences, hold seminars and scientific meetings, and conduct scientific visits abroad in light of the laws and decisions issued in this regard.
12. Considering any matters that the Chairman of the Board of Directors thinks are suitable and fall under his authority.
The chairman of the Board of Directors is an expert in monitoring the unit, which leads to the achievement of his objectives in light of laws, regulations, decisions, and the monthly books that are organized. His specialties include the following:
1. Inviting the board of directors to convene and lead its meetings.
2. Assigning the unit’s director and deputy according to established and stated standards.
3. following up on the implementation of public policy that is intended to meet the goals of the unit’s center.
4. Accrediting payment paperwork, including prizes and incentives for center administration and unit staff.
5. Representing the unit in front of others, addressing board bodies, various bodies within universities, matters about the unit’s affairs, or delegating who does so.
6. Accrediting contracts for the unit’s transactions with others under regulations and policies established by the board of directors.
7. Choose the patriotic experts, sessional laborers, or wage laborers that the unit needs.
8. Any more specializations that the board of directors delegated to him, according to the requirements of Presidential Decision No. 42 for 1942 governing the mandate for specializations.
According to the laws, regulations, decisions, and periodical books that organized it, one of the academic staff has been selected as the unit’s director by a decision from the university president, for three years that are renewable, and has the following specializations:
– Organising executive committee meetings, chairing sessions, and following up on committee activities.
-Proposing the unit’s strategic strategy, functional organization, and internal work system, as well as providing employee specializations and general job descriptions.
– Overseeing the unit’s technological, financial, and administrative success.
-Proposing the use of seasonal or salaried workers, as well as national expertise, to staff the unit.
– Creating monthly and annual reports on unit activity and delivering them to the Board of Directors.
– Proposing prizes and incentives for the Board of Directors and unit personnel.-Supervising the creation of the annual budget project, the final account, and the financial center of the center in preparation for submission to the necessary bodies.
– Supervising the production of the draft annual budget, final account, and financial condition of the unit for presentation to the appropriate authorities.
– Follow up on the Board of Directors’ decisions to ensure efficient performance.
– Encouraging participation in scientific conferences or other activities relevant to the unit’s goals.
– Approve administrative disbursement documents.
– Setting pricing for services and consultations offered by the unit to others.
– Additional powers delegated by the Board of Directors.
– Supervising the preparation of the draft annual budget, final account, and financial condition of the unit for presentation to the competent authorities.
– Follow up on Board of Directors decisions to guarantee effective performance.
– Encouraging participation in scientific conferences and other activities related to the unit’s objectives.
– Approve administrative disbursement documents.
– Establishing fees for services and consultations provided by the unit to others.
– Additional authority is assigned by the Board of Directors.7: Overseeing the unit’s labors.