Strategic Goals - Energy Engineering ع

Strategic Goals


♦ Providing an advanced model for engineering education related to the electricity and energy industry that keeps pace with modern global trends in the use of computer science and its applications in the industry, using the scientific English language in teaching.

♦ Finding a model for effective cooperation between the educational institution and the industrial bodies and companies working in the production and consumption of energy on a large scale.

♦ Graduating engineers who are specialized in the fields of energy engineering and who are able to assume engineering responsibilities in terms of operating and maintaining everything related to energy production, transmission, and consumption, once they graduate.

♦ Preparing a graduate has the ability to compete in the labor market under the new and changing conditions of the local and international community.

♦ Preparing courses for continuing education and training for engineers in the areas of the college’s specialization, as well as providing them with the latest technology systems, qualifying them to perform various jobs, or learning new skills and training them to use them.

♦ Directing postgraduate studies towards solving scientific and practical problems facing the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, which are within the state’s development plans.

♦ Supporting the state’s plan to establish industrial zones in southern Upper Egypt by carrying out applied research, studies, tests, and consultations in cooperation with the industrial and production sectors.

♦ Contributing to serving the environment and the local community in the field of college specializations by participating in developing scientific solutions, future visions, and strategies for sustainable development.

♦ Preparing a graduate who has the ability to apply engineering scientific thought, analysis, and deduction, as well as his wish and ability to the continuous learning.