A student’s marks in courses that contain a written, oral, and/or practical test include the total grades he receives on the written, oral, and/or practical exams, as well as the semester work specified in the course schedule. Students who do not take the written exam after the semester are regarded as One of the courses is absent without an excuse in this course, and he becomes a failure unless he present an acceptable justification, in which case he is regarded absent with a valid excuse.
The student’s success in any course is assessed using the grades from the mid-semester written examination, the oral and/or practical examinations (depending on the nature of the course), the semester work, and the final written examination.
The final written exam score cannot exceed 50% of the overall mark, and the student must get at least 40% of the final exam grade to pass the course.
It’s allowed for a student to be exempted from attending some academic courses except those of the final batch if he proves that he has successfully passed equivalent courses in a university, college, or scientific institute accredited by the Supreme Council of Universities.
The exception will be granted by the university president based on the faculty council’s proposal after consulting with the department council or appropriate department councils.