أ.د/ أسامة خالد عثمان

أستاذ– رئيس قسم الهندسة الكهربية – كلية هندسة الطاقة – جامعة أسوان


• دكتوراه في الهندسة الكهربية – كلية الهندسة – جامعة القاهرة – مصر – 2009
• ماجستير في الهندسة الكهربية – كلية هندسة الطاقة –جامعة أسوان – مصر – 2003
• بكالوريوس في الهندسة الكهربية –كلية هندسة الطاقة –جامعة أسوان – مصر – 1998

المؤهلات العلمية

  • رئيس قسم الهندسة الكهربية.
  • مدير مركز التميز فى الطاقة لجامعة أسوان.
  • مدير معمل الطاقة المتجددة.
  • مدير وحدة إدارة الأزمات والكوارث بالكلية.
  • المدير الفني لمعمل اختبارات الزيوت العازلة
  • مرشد أكاديمي لطلاب البكالوريوس بالقسم.
  • عضو وهيئة التحرير والمكتب الفني للمجلة الدولية لأنظمة الطاقة التطبيقية (IJAES).
  • عضو مجلس الكلية نيابة عن الأساتذة المساعدين 
  • عضو لجنة الإعتماد بالكلية.
  • رئيس معيار الجودة والتطوير بوحدة ضمان الجودة والإعتماد بالكلية 
  • رئيس لجنة مشتريات معدات معامل الجهد العالي والعوازل.
  • عضو مجلس إدارة وحدة تدريب واستشارات المعامل.
  • عضو نادي ريادة الأعمال بجامعة أسوان.

الدرجة الوظيفية


على مستوى الكلية 

المهام الإدارية

·         ICDL (International Computer Driving License) certificate.

·         Fundamentals of programming by MATLAB software certificate.

·         Training course certificate of using DREAMWEAVER software.

·         Certificate of Information and Communication Technology Project (ICTP) from central unit of ICT-Training at South Valley University.

·         Certified trainer from SIEMENS Co. for training on Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC basic, HMI, SCADA systems, Drives).

·         Certificate of Participation on Industry Academia Annual Competition “INDAC 2010” organized by cooperation between SIEMENS S.A.E. together with the Industrial Training Council “ITC”.

·         Certificate of Participation on Industry Academia Annual Competition “INDAC 2011” organized by cooperation between SIEMENS S.A.E. together with the Industrial Training Council “ITC”.

·         Attendance a training course “Ethics of Scientific Research” at Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Aswan University, Egypt, from 18/2/2013 to 20/2/2013.

·         Attendance a training course “E-Learning and Effective Teaching” at Faculty and Leadership Development Center, South Valley University, Egypt, from 18/5/2013 to 20/5/2013.

·         Attendance a training course “Technology Using in Teaching” at Faculty and Leadership Development Center, South Valley University, Egypt, from 15/6/2013 to 17/6/2013.

·         Attendance a training course “Credit Hours System” at Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Aswan University, Egypt, from 2/7/2013 to 4/7/2013.

·         Certificate of Appreciation for Participation as a referee in “2nd Conference of Young Researchers”, Aswan University, 2013.

·         Participation as a referee in “5th Scientific Conference for Students of King Saud University”, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 22- Feb. 2014.

·         Certificate of Participation on “Electrical Industry Seminar”, SABIC Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 20th May, 2014.

·         Certificate of Participation on “Using of Smart Classes”, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 16- Feb. 2014.

·         Certificate of Participation on “3rd Saudi International Nanotechnology Conference 2014, 3SINC”, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology KACST, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1-3 Dec. 2014.

·         Certificate of Participation on “6th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments ICWRAE”, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 16-17 Dec. 2014.

·         Participation as a referee in “6th Scientific Conference for Students of King Saud University”, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 29-30 Dec. 2014.

·         Certificate of Participation on “4th Series of Short Lectures in Sustainable Energy”, Sustainable Energy Technologies center “SET”, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 20th Oct. – 15th Dec. 2015.

·         Certificate of appreciation and gratitude Awarded from BAE systems Co. and College of Engineering, King Saud University for supervising best final year graduation project in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jan.2015.

·         Certificate of Attendance on “38th Scientific Symposium of Water Treatment using Nanotechnology”, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology KACST, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 17th April 2016.

·         Certificate of Attendance on “8th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments ICWRAE’8”, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 22-24 January 2019.

·         Attending a workshop of 2nd Scientific Research Forum “Understanding research integrity, ethics, and plagiarism”, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA, 17 Feb.  2019.

·         Attending a workshop of 2nd Scientific Research Forum “Writing and structuring a manuscript to impress SCI journal editors”, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA, 17 Feb.  2019.

·         Attending a workshop of 2nd Scientific Research Forum “Responding to peer reviewer comments” College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA, 19 Feb.  2019.

·         Attending a workshop of 2nd Scientific Research Forum “Practical uses of databases in scientific research” College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA, 21 Feb.  2019.

·         Attending a workshop of 2nd Scientific Research Forum “Promoting your research for better visibility-Selecting the right journal for your manuscript” College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA, 21 Feb.  2019.

·         Attendance a training course “Ethics of Scientific Research” at Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Aswan University, Egypt, from 18/7/2019 to 20/7/2019.

·         Certificate from Information Technology and Training Center ICTC on (PPT- Word Processing- Using Computers and Managing Files) at Aswan University, Egypt, on 14/7/2019.

·         Participation in the second training camp for entrepreneurship at Aswan University, July 15-18, 2021

·         Certificate of passing an online training course in “Skill Search for Information” from Deanship of e-Transactions & Communications, King Saud University, 10/2019.

·         Certificate of passing an online training course in “Design tests and activities” from Deanship of e-Transactions & Communications, King Saud University, 03/2020.

·         Certificate of Future Consultant Training Course Entitled; “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ISO/IEC 17025:2017”, Aswan University, Egypt, 2 – 6/1/2021.

·           Certificate of Completion workshop “Communicating Science to the Public”, Nature Research Academies, 5 January 2022.

·         Attendance a training course “Ethics of Scientific Research” at Faculty and Leadership Development Center, Luxor University, Egypt, from 22/03/2022 to 24/03/2022.

·           Certificate from Information Technology and Training Center ICTC on (Training program for candidates for position of college’s dean) at Aswan University, Egypt, from 2-4/10/2022.

·           Attending a conference on digital transformation applications organized by the training sector of the Hydro Power Plants Company for Electricity Production in cooperation with ABB on 23-25/10/2022 in the conference hall of the company’s training center.

·           Attending the scientific symposium on electrical products organized by El-Sewedy Electric on 20/3/2023 AD at the Movenpick Hotel Aswan.

·           Attending the technical symposium organized by the training sector of the Hydro Power Plants Company for Electricity Production, in cooperation with the Techno-master Company, agent of Megger Company, on 30/4/2023, in the conference hall of the company’s training center.

الدورات التدريبية

  1. Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, “Effect of Nanoparticles’ Mixtures on AC Breakdown Voltage of Mineral Oil”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 1216 – 1222, August 2021.
  2. Hamza Boudjemai, Sid Ahmed El Mehdi Ardjoun, Houcine Chafouk, Mouloud Denai, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, Usama Khaled, Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud, “Experimental Analysis of a New Low Power Wind Turbine Emulator Using a DC Machine and Advanced Method for Maximum Wind Power Capture”, IEEE Access, Vol. 11, August 2023, pp. 92225-92241.
  3. Nagwa F. Ibrahim, Sid Ahmed El Mehdi Ardjoun, Mohammed Alharbi, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, Mohamed Abu-agreb, Usama Khaled, Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud, “Multiport Converter Utility Interface with High-Frequency Link for Interfacing Clean Energy Sources (PV\wind\ Fuel cell) and Battery to the Power System: Application of HHA algorithm”, Sustainability, Vol. 15, No. 18, p. 13716, Sept. 2023.
  4. Nagwa F. Ibrahim, Abdulaziz Alkuhayli, Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, Mohamed Metwally Mahmoud, “Enhancing the Functionality of a Grid-Connected PV System in a Distant Egyptian Region using an Optimized DVR: Application of Artificial Rabbits’ Optimization”, Sensors, Vol. 23, No. 16, pp. 7146, July 2020.
  5. Abderrahmane Beroual, Hocine Khelifa, Usama Khaled, “Comparison of Electrostatic Charging Tendency of Jarylec and Mineral oil”, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 104, pp. 1389 – 1394, June 2022.
  6. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “DC Breakdown Voltage of Natural Ester Oil-Based Fe3O4, Al2O3, and SiO2 Nanofluids”, Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ), vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 4611-4620, Dec. 2020.
  7. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “Lightning Impulse Breakdown Voltage of Synthetic and Natural Ester Liquids-Based Fe3O4, Al2O3 and SiO2 Nanofluids”, Alexandria Engineering Journal (AEJ), vol. 59, pp. 3709–3713, June 2020.
  8. Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, Aassem AlGhamdi, “DC Breakdown Voltage of Synthetic Ester Liquid-based Nanofluids”, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 125797-125805, July 2020.
  9. Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, “Statistical Investigation of Lightning Impulse Breakdown Voltage of Natural and Synthetic Ester Oils-Based Fe3O4, Al2O3 and SiO2 Nanofluids”, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 112615-112623, June 2020.
  10. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, Yasin Khan, “Influence of Electronic Scavenger Additives on AC Breakdown Voltage of Synthetic Ester”, IET Science Measurement & Technology, Volume 14, Issue 6, pp. 684 – 687, August 2020.
  11. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “AC Breakdown Voltage of Mineral Oil, Synthetic and Natural Esters – Based Fe3O4 Nanofluids”, 40th IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, June 19-22, 2022.
  12. Alghamdi, U. Khaled and A. Beroual, “Optical and electrical characterization of creeping discharges propagating at solid/nano- fluid interfaces”, World Research Forum for Engineering and Researchers (WRFER), Medina, Saudi Arabia, pp. 1-5, 14th May 2020.
  13. AlAnazi and U. Khaled, “Investigation of Pre-breakdown Phenomenon in Nanofluids under Different Voltage Waveforms”, World Research Forum for Engineering and Researchers (WRFER), Medina, Saudi Arabia, pp. 6-9, 14th May 2020.
  14. Yeping Peng, Usama Khaled, Abdullah A. Alrashed, Rashid Meer, Marjan Goodarz, M. Sarafraz, “Potential application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for the prediction and optimization of thermal conductivity of aqueous CuO (II) nanofluid: A statistical approach and experimental validation”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. ‏ 554, Article No. 124353, Sep. 2020.
  15. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, Yasin Khan, “Statistical Investigation of AC Breakdown Voltage of Natural Ester with Electronic Scavenger Additives”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 26, No. 6; pp. 2012 – 2018, Dec. 2019.
  16. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “Statistical Investigation of AC Dielectric Strength of Natural Ester Oil-Based Fe3O4, Al2O3 and SiO2 Nano-Fluids”, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1; pp. 60594-60601, May 2019.
  17. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “AC Dielectric Strength of Synthetic Ester -Based Fe3O4, Al2O3 and SiO2 Nanofluids – Conformity with Normal and Weibull Distributions”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 26, No. 2; pp. 625-633, April 2019.
  18. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, Salman Alissa, Omar Aldraimli and Abdulrahman Abanmi, “Influence of Soil Conductivity and Rod-to-Earth Gaps on Lightning Breakdown Voltage and Peak Current of Rod-to-Plane Air Gaps”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 14, Issue 22, pp. 8362-8367, 2019.
  19. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “Influence of Conductive Nanoparticles on the Breakdown Voltage of Mineral Oil, Synthetic and Natural Ester Oil-based Nanofluids”, 20th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), Roma, Italy, 23-27th June 2019.
  20. Suresh Sagadevan, A. R. Marlinda, Mohd. Rafie Johan, Ahmad Umar, H. Fouad, Othman Y. Alothman, Usama Khaled, M. S. Akhtar, M. M. Shahid, “Reduced graphene/nanostructured cobalt oxide nanocomposite for enhanced electrochemical performance of supercapacitor applications”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 558, pp. 68-77, 15 December 2019.
  21. X. Li, Usama Khaled, Abdullah Al-Rashed, Marjan Goodarzi, M.M. Sarafraz, Rashed Meer, “Heat transfer evaluation of a micro heat exchanger cooling with spherical carbon-acetone nanofluid”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 149, Nov. 2019.
  22. Zahid Hussain,  Maria Imtiaz,  Khalid M. Khan,  Muhammad Yasin Naz,  Usama Khaled, Yasin Khan, “White cement and burnt brick powder catalyzed pyrolysis of waste polystyrene for production of liquid and gaseous fuels”, Asia‐ J. Chem. Eng., Wiely, Vol. 15, Issue 1, e2391, 2020.
  23. Mohammad mohsen Sarafraz, Mohammad Reza Safaei, Arturo S. Leon, Usama Khaled, Marjan Goodarzi, and Rashed Meer, “Energetic Analysis of Different Configurations of Power Plants Connected to Liquid Chemical Looping Gasification”, Processes, Vol. 7, Issue 10, pp. 763, 2019.
  24. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “AC Dielectric Strength of Mineral Oil-Based Fe3O4 and Al2O3 Nanofluids”, Energies- Electrical Power and Energy System, Vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 3505, December 2018.
  25. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, “The Effect of Electronic Scavenger Additives on the AC Dielectric Strength of Transformer Mineral Oil”, Energies- Electrical Power and Energy System, Vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 2607, September 2018.
  26. Usama Khaled, Abderrahmane Beroual, Falah Elotaibi, Yasin Khan, A. Al-Arainy, “Experimental and Analytical Study for Performance of Novel Design of Efficient Two-Stage Electrostatic Precipitator”, IET Science Measurement & Technology,  Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 486 – 491, July 2018.
  27. Usama Khaled, Rashid Meer,  Abderrahmane Beroual, “A Novel Design of Three-Phase Transverse Flux Linear Motor to Minimize Force Ripples”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Springer, Volume 43, Issue 6, pp. 2853–2858, June 2018.
  28. Usama Khaled, Hassan Farh, Salman Alissa, Abdulrhman Abanmi, Omar Aldraimli, “Efficient solution of the DC-link hard switching inverter of the PV system”, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (JKSUES), Volume 32, pp. 425–431, Oct. 2020.
  29. Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, “Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure on Creeping Discharge Characteristics over Solid/Liquid Insulating Interfaces under AC and DC voltages”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 267 – 271, 30 January 2018.
  30. Mohamed F. El-Amin, Usama Khaled, and Abderrahmane Beroual, “Numerical Study of the Magnetic Field Effect on Ferromagnetic Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Square Porous Cavity”, Energies- Electrical Power and Energy System, Vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 3235, November 2018.
  31. Usama Khaledand Abderrahmane Beroual, “Comparative Study on the AC Breakdown Voltage of Transformer Mineral Oil with Transformer Oil-based Al2O3 Nanofluids”, IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), Athens, Greece, Sept. 10-13, 2018.
  32. Beroual and U. Khaled, “Evidencing of the capacitive effects on the development of creeping discharges at solid/fluid interfaces”, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Cancun, Mexico, pp. 305-308, Oct. 21-24, 2018.
  33. Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, Osama M. Haraz, Nadeem Ashraf, Muhammad Fakhar Zia, Usama Khaled, Ibrahim Elsahfiey, Saleh Alshebeili, and Abdel Razik Sebak, “Properties of Silica-Based Aerogel Substrates and Application to C-band Circular Patch Antenna”, Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 47, Issue 3, pp. 2025–2031, March 2018.
  34. Ashique Kotta, Sajid Ali Ansari, Nazish Parveen, H. Fouad, Othman Y. Alothman, Usama Khaled, H. K. Seo, S. G. Ansari, Z. A. Ansari, “Mechanochemical synthesis of melamine doped TiO2 nanoparticles for dye sensitized solar cells application”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Volume 29   Issue: 11, pp. 9108-9116, June 2018.
  35. Basheer A. Alshammari, Othman Y. Alothman, H. Fouad, Yasser A. Elnakady, Abd-Elkader O. Mohamed, Shaban Rushdy M. Sayed, Mohamed Hashem, and Usama Khaled, “Characterization of the Viscoelastic, Dielectric, and Biological Behavior of Porous Polyethylene for Hard Tissue Replacement”, Science of Advanced Materials, American Scientific publisher (ASP), Volume 9, Number 12, pp. 2073–2081, December 2017.
  36. Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, Mamadou-Lamine Coulibaly, “Experimental Investigation of the Breakdown Voltage of CO2, N2, and SF6 Gases, and CO2-SF6 and N2-SF6 Mixtures under Different Voltage Waveforms”, Energies- Electrical Power and Energy System, Vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 902, April 2018.
  37. Usama Khaled, Mohammed Qais, “Evaluation of V–t characteristics caused by lightning strokes at different locations along transmission lines”, Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences (JKSUES), Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 150-160, April 2018.
  38. Adel Z.El Dein, Noura Farah, Usama Khaled, “Back Flashover Analysis of 500kV Transmission Lines Including Effect of Surge Arresters”, Journal of King Saud University – Engineering Sciences (JKSUES), 23 July 2018. (Accepted- In press).
  39. Usama Khaled, Ali M. Eltamaly, Abderrahmane Beroual, “Optimal Power Flow Using Particle Swarm Optimization of Renewable Hybrid Distributed Generation”, Energies- Electrical Power and Energy System, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1013-1026, 2017.
  40. Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, Phanuel Seraphine Mbolo Noah, Henry Sitorus, “Comparative Study of Breakdown Voltage of Mineral, Synthetic and Natural oils and Based Mineral Oil Mixtures under AC and DC Voltages”, Energies- Electrical Power and Energy System, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 511-527, 2017.
  41. Abderrahmane Beroual, Usama Khaled, Mbolo Noah, Henry Sitorus, “Comparative study of breakdown voltage of based mineral oil mixtures with natural and synthetic esters under AC and DC voltages”, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Fort Worth – USA,  22 – 25 Oct. 2017.
  42. Usama Khaled, Mohamed Qais, Saad Alghuwainem, Abderrahmane Beroual, “Security Enhancement of Differential Protection of Power Transformers Based on Second Order Harmonics”, Journal of Energy and Power Sources (JEPS), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-15, 2017.
  43. Usama Khaled, Saeed Alzahrani, Yasin Khan, “Dielectric properties improvement of LDPE based on nano fillers”, IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2016), Chengdu, China, September 19-22, 2016.
  44. Usama Khaled, Falah Alotaibi, Yasin Khan, “Performance evaluation of two stages electrostatic precipitator novel design under loading conditions”, IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE 2016), Chengdu, China, September 19-22, 2016.
  45. Mohammed Qais , Usama Khaled, Saad Alghuwainem, “Improved differential relay for bus bar protection scheme with saturated current transformers based on second order harmonics”, Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences (JKSUES), Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 320-329, October 2018.
  46. Mohammed Qais, Usama Khaled, “Evaluation of Lightning Performance on Transmission System Sag”, IET- 50th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2015), Staffordshire University, UK, September 1st – 4th, 2015.
  47. Usama Khaled, “Advanced Study on the Soluble Nano-Carbon Using Electrical Discharge”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-24736-1, 2014.
  48. Usama Khaled, Adel Z. Eldein, “Experimental study of V-I characteristics of wire-plate electrostatic precipitators under clean air conditions”, Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 71, pp. 228-234 (2012). DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2012.12.023
  49. Usama Khaled, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Enhancement of microplasma generated in water by adding carbon nanotubes”, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Volume 8, pp. 603-607 (2009).
  50. Adel Z. Eldein, Usama Khaled“Experimental and Simulation Study of V–I Characteristics of Wire–Plate Electrostatic Precipitators under Clean Air Conditions”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 39, pp. 4037–4045 (2014). DOI 10.1007/s13369-014-1046-2
  51. Kiminobu Imasaka, Yuki Kato, Usama Khaled, Junya Suehiro, “Effects of pH on water-solubilization of carbon nanotube using microplasma in aqueous solution”,  J. Appl. Phys., Volume 48, 065004 – 7 pages (2009).
  52. Wei Sun, Usama Khaled, Hironari Tomita, Zhenyu Li, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Solubilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes using ozone generated by dielectric barrier discharge”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Volume 49, 055002 (5 pages), (2010). 
  53. Kiminobu Imasaka, Wei Sun, Hironari Tomita, Yuki Kato, Usama Khaled, Junya Suehiro, “Enhancement and stabilization of pulsed streamer discharge in water by adding carbon nanotubes”, J. Appl. Phys., Volume 49, 086203 (7 pages), (2010). 
  54. Soubhi Hassanein, Usama Khaled, Waleed Abd-Fadeel, “An experimental investigation of temperature distribution in different urban locations in Aswan, Egypt of hot and dry climate”, Journal of Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering (CWEEE), Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 69-75 (2013).
  55. Wei Sun, Usama Khaled, Hironari Tomita, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Effects of ozone generated by dielectric barrier discharge on water-solubility of single-walled carbon nanotubes”,Pure and Applied Chemistry series,  (under review)
  56. Kiminobu Imasaka, Usama Khaled, Wei Sun, Hironari Tomita, Junya Suehiro, “pH dependence of water-solubility of single-walled carbon nanotubes treated by microplasma in aqueous solution”, Pure and Applied Chemistry series, (under review)
  57. Usama Khaled, “Ozone production by AC surface dielectric barrier discharge enhanced by TiO2 photocatalyst”, 15th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’12), p. 172, 23rd ~ 25th Dec. 2012 Alexandria, Egypt.
  58. Usama Khaled, Radek Procházka , Josef Tlustý, “Experimental study of corona discharge in wire- plate electrostatic precipitator”, 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH)August 26th 2011 Hannover, Germany.
  59. Stanislav Pekarek, Usama Khaled, “Ozone generation by surface dielectric barrier discharge with TiO2 photocatalyst”, 30th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), August 28th to September 2nd 2011, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
  60. Usama Khaled, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Enhancement of microplasma generated in water by adding carbon nanotubes”, 14th International Congress of Plasma Physics (ICPP) proc., p. 131, (8-9-2008, Fukuoka- Japan).
  61. Kiminobu Imasaka, Usama Khaled, Junya Suehiro, “Influence of pH on solubility of single-walled carbon nanotubes treated by microplasma in aqueous solution”, The 2nd IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC 2008) proc., p. 200 (22-10-2008- Kyoto- Japan).
  62. Sun, K. Usama, H. Tomita, K. Imasaka, J. Suehiro, “Effects of ozone generated by dielectric barrier discharge on water-solubility of single-walled carbon nanotubes”, 19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-19) proc., P1.8.51, (27-7-2009, Bochum-Germany).
  63. Imasaka, K. Usama, W. Sun, J. Suehiro, “pH dependence of water-solubility of single-walled carbon nanotubes treated by microplasma in aqueous solution”, 19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-19) proc., P2.15.08, (28-7-2009, Bochum-Germany).
  64. Usama, W. Sun, K. Imasaka, J. Suehiro, O. Gouda, “Influence of water conductivity on microplasma intensity and carbon nanotube solubilization” 13th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’09) proc., pp. 653-656 (23-12-2009, Assiut University- Egypt).
  65. Usama, W. Sun, K. Imasaka, J. Suehiro, O. Gouda, “Preparation of water-soluble carbon nanotubes using ozone treatment”, 13th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’09) proc., pp. 657-661 (23-12-2009, Assiut University- Egypt).
  66. Usama Khaled, Sun Wei, Hironari Tomita, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Water-solubilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ozone treatment using dielectric barrier discharge (III) Effect of frequency of DBD”, The Annual Meeting record of IEEJ proc., Vol. 1, p. 270,, (19-3-2009, Sapporo- Japan).
  67. Sun Wei, Usama Khaled, Hironari Tomita, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Water-solubilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ozone treatment using dielectric barrier discharge (II) Surface analysis of SWCNTs”, The Annual Meeting record of IEEJ proc., Vol. 1, p. 269, (19-3-2009, Sapporo- Japan).
  68. Kiminobu Imasaka, Usama Khaled, Sun Wei, Hironari Tomita, Junya Suehiro, “Water-solubilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ozone treatment using dielectric barrier discharge (I) Fundamental characteristics”, The Annual Meeting record of IEEJ proc., Vol. 1, p. 268, (19-3-2009, Sapporo- Japan).
  69. Kiminobu Imasaka, Usama Khaled, Sun Wei, Junya Suehiro, “Water-solubility of single-walled carbon nanotubes treated by ozone generated by dielectric barrier discharge”, Plasma Science Symposium 2009 and The Symposium on Plasma Processing (PSS-2009/SPP-26) proc., pp. 28-29, (2-2-2009- Nagoya- Japan).
  70. Usama Khaled, Sun Wei, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Water solubilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes treated by dielectric barrier discharge in air”,Joint Technical Meeting on Electrical Discharges, Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation and High Voltage Engineering proc., IEEJ, pp. 19-24, (29-1-2009- Fukuoka – Japan).
  71. Usama Khaled, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Influence of adding carbon nanotubes on streamer discharge in water”, The 61st Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers proc., 05-1A-10, (24-9-2008, Oita- Japan).
  72. Kiminobu Imasaka, Usama Khaled, Junya Suehiro, “Dependence of water solubility of carbon nanotubes using streamer discharge on suspension pH”, The 61st Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers proc., 05-1A-11, (24-9-2008, Oita- Japan). (in Japanese)
  73. Imasaka, U. Khaled, J. Suehiro, “Investigation of water-solubilization of CNTs using microplasma in aqueous solution (I) Influence of pH”, The 69th Autumn Meeting of Japan Society of Applied Physics proc., p. 182, (2-9-2008- Aichi- Japan). (in Japanese)
  74. Imasaka,U. Khaled, J. Suehiro, “Investigation of water-solubilization of CNTs using microplasma in aqueous solution (II) Influence of conductivity”, The 69th Autumn Meeting of Japan Society of Applied Physics proc., p. 182, (2-9-2008- Aichi- Japan). (in Japanese)
  75. Usama Khaled, Junya Suehiro, “Application of pulsed power technology to water-solubilization of carbon nanotubes”, Egypt-Japan International Symposium on Science and Technology (EJISST) proc., p. 31, (8-6-2008, Tokyo- Japan).
  76. Usama Khaled, Yuki Kato, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Effect of water conductivity on pulsed streamer discharge and radicals emission intensity”, The Annual Meeting record of IEEJ,  Vol. 1, p. 238, (19-3-2008, Fukuoka- Japan)
  77. Wei Sun, Hironari Tomita, Usama Khaled, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Effects of ozone generated by dielectric barrier discharge on water-solubility of carbon nanotubes”, Kyushu Branch Joint Conference of Electrical Societies proc., Vol. 62nd, (9-2009, Kyushu- Japan).
  78. Shinji Yamane, Makoto Kotegawa, Yuki Kato, Usama Khaled, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Hydrogen sensor based on carbon nanotubes decorated with palladium using microplasma in water”,The Annual Meeting record of IEEJ, Vol. 1, p. 230, (19-3-2008, Fukuoka- Japan). (in Japanese)
  79. Kiminobu Imasaka, Yuki Kato, Usama Khaled, Junya Suehiro, “Effects of pH solution on solubilization efficiency of carbon nanotubes by streamer discharge in water (I) Enhancement of solubility on higher pH”, The Annual Meeting record of IEEJ, Vol. 1, p. 236, (19-3-2008, Fukuoka- Japan). (in Japanese)
  80. Yuki Kato, Usama Khaled, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Effects of pH of solution on solubilization efficiency of carbon nanotubes by streamer discharge in water (II) Mechanisms of pH dependence”, The Annual Meeting record of IEEJ, Vol. 1, p. 237, (19-3-2008, Fukuoka- Japan). (in Japanese)
  81. Kiminobu Imasaka, Yuki Kato, Usama Khaled, Junya Suehiro, “Effect of pH on water-solubilization of carbon nanotube using microplasma in aqueous solution”, The 25th Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP-25) proc., pp.37-38 , (23-1-2008, Yamaguchi- Japan).
  82. Yuki Kato, Usama Khaled, Kiminobu Imasaka, Junya Suehiro, “Effects of solution pH on solubilization efficiency of carbon nanotubes using streamer discharge in water”, Joint Technical Meeting on Electrical Discharges, Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation and High Voltage Engineering proc., IEEJ, HV-08-22, (29-1-2008, Kagoshima- Japan). (in Japanese)


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